Monday, March 19, 2012

Cross-Disciplinary Reading

Hey Guys,

I'm going to keep this one short, but I'll start off by saying something I think we all know about good English majors -- key word here being "good". Good English majors can do anything. Yes, anything. English majors are trained to interpret text and draw meaning out of words; thus, to some extent, we are all investigators of everything. This is a good skill set to have because it makes understanding or learning something that much easier.

As of right now, I'm reading a book called The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene. TEU is about string theory, Einstein's theory of relativity, and quantum mechanics. This sounds like a crazy read, but for English majors, this shouldn't be a hard read. It is filled with concepts that deal with the vastly macro and the impossibly micro; Greene, however, makes all of these concepts very accessible, especially for someone who is trained to read closely.

I think it is very important for English majors not to trap themselves in a literary bubble. Yes, poetry and fiction is amazing, and they are certainly telling of the importance of humanity, but to limit one's self to literature is perhaps not the best thing to do. Understanding fields outside of literature is an important practice -- one that, I feel, is often overlooked. Because of all the crazy shit I'm learning, I urge you all to go out and pick up a copy of something by Richard Dawkins, Brian Greene, Michiu Kaku, Neil DeGrass Tyson, Thomas Kuhn, or someone else of that caliber. The writing is very interesting, and it may open up some doors for you on an artistic level. So yeah, read outside your bubble, folks.



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