Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Letter To The Leaves: The Art of the Flow

My Fellow Contributors,

I first want to point out that our fourth issue, and the last of volume one, hit the intangible shelves of the internet today. I want to give a big thanks to everyone on the masthead, our readers and our contributors. Without your dedication, diligence and love, this issue (which I must say is our best yet) would not have ended this chapter of our magazines story on such a high note.

Now with that said, back to the topic at hand.

My goal with this blog is not to give you my "definition" of what Flowetry is. Rather I hope to start a dialogue between us in hopes of exploring this medium together.

At first glance it is easy to see the etymology of the word. There are two parts of the word. The first part of the word is Flow and the second is -etry coming from the word poetry. From this dissection I get two ideas right off the bat.

My first idea points out the fact that the art of Flowing is a dynamic, powerful, and exciting medium through which to enjoy the spoken word. When my friends and I  circle up at a party or even around a camp fire and drop a track to spit on, we are doing the same thing the bards were doing in ancient Greece when they circled up and recited a few lines from the Odyssey. We are creating a story; stringing together words on a beat in such a way that they are pleasing to the ear. It must be noted before I continue that Flowing goes far beyond hip hop or any other musical connotation.

When I flow, it is a largely spontaneous mental exercise. I have no idea what I am going to say or what I am going to flow about next until I begin to speak. One word feeds the next, which feeds the next and so on.

The second idea encompasses the last part of the word, -etry and by extension poetry. In this part of the medium notions such as meter, rhythm, content, rhyme scheme and form come into account. Where flowing is largely spontaneous, poetry is more about revising. It is about working through the inconsistencies of symbolism and theme. It is where the skill of the writer is put to the test and shown off.

But you see, just ranting off a few drunk lines at a party, that just happen to rhyme, doesn't make you a strong poet. Just like writing, preparing, and reading a poem to a crowd doesn't make you an M/C. What you need is bravado, presence, confidence, and dedication. What you need is a medium which can combine these two and create a new way of enjoying the spoken word.

And when we put these two together we get such a medium. A medium which is both dynamic and structured. Chaotic and fluid. This medium resonates with a particular population of poets who are looking for a way of expressing their words in such a way that captures and holds the attention of their audience.

It is a way of weaving words in such a way that whirl in the wind of your audience.

Play music with words and paint pictures with sounds. Share your voice.

And now its time for you to share your thoughts are on the subject.

Please and Thank You.

As Always

Undoubtedly Yours,

Bermuda the Man


Be. Do. Share.

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