Saturday, January 21, 2012

*** **** *** **** *** ******* ** **** *** *****'* ******* * *** ** ***** **!!!!

I was going to write something else today, but I think I'll save it for next week. I actually just got done writing my article and was about to publish it, but something occurred to me: no one really knows - generally speaking, of course - what the hell they're talking about.

As we all know, talk of PIPA and SOPA is all over the place - facebook, twitter, texts, radio. TV, etc - but does anyone actually know what it is? Has anyone actually read these documents and studied them? My guess is probably not. But, people are very eager to talk about them and judge them.

Now, I know it sounds all big and scary, but what exactly will change is PIPA and SOPA pass? That's hard to say, really. PIPA and SOPA are fluctuating, and with the recent protests by famous sites like Wiki and Google, the documents are being edited and edited and edited....and then re-edited. So, unless everyone but me has been reading up on these documents everyday, it seems like most people are just kind of...well...talking out of their assholes.

These two documents have been all over NPR for the past few days, and the commentary has been very interesting. People from all over the US - college professors, congressmen, piracy experts, and technological moguls - who actually study these documents have put forth their opinions concerning these issues, and, interestingly enough, the main issues seem to vary from the concerns of assholes on facebook. They are concerned about foreign bootleggers, not American citizens; they are attacking people from China taking away jobs from Americans in Hollywood, not people sharing music on youtube. So what the fuck are we all worked up about?

Ok, before you think I'm a fan of this act passing, let me say this: I don't think anything should be censored - my writing should be proof of that; however, I do think that people should actually take the time to think about talking points before they start talking about things they don't know. And don't think you're educated on a subject matter just because you watch a video on youtube; "Loose Change" was popularized through youtube, and that's probably the most convoluted, misinformed shit that's ever been released on the internet. All I'm saying is please think things through. After all, this is a very important time of the year for America, and
"thinking" like an American - and by that I mean not really thinking at all - is a detriment to our future.

Think about it.



  1. The main problem is that our generation, myself included, view the internet as a birth right. That information should be traded and distributed freely.

    I would argue that most people who download music illegally wouldn't consider themselves thieves, even though this is exactly what we are.

    So when the government comes in, after lobbyists from the Entertainment industry have been hounding congressman and woman time and time again to get something down, I don't care whether people know what they're talking about or not because we as the middle and lower class who don't have lobbyists fighting for our interests in Congress need to fucking yell and be heard.

    You see here in America, the people who are listened to are the ones who have the most money or the ones with the loudest voice.

    I am glad that people who have no idea about the bills, who have never read one line about them are still actually getting involved in a cause bigger than themselves. People our age are finally talking politics. Which is a lot better than Skyrim or some other fantasy world like Harry Potter.

    America needs her youth to stand up and be heard whether that's in intelligent rhetoric or barbaric yawps!

    Undoubtedly Yours,

    RON PAUL is the new Voldemort
    (He who shall not be named)

  2. When someone talks about politics with little to know background in the subject matter, I react the same way I would if someone told me The Hollow Men is about knitting - it's the type of physical response that makes me hope no one is watching.

    While I agree that people need to use their voices, I also think people need to make sure their voice is one that reflects education. The biggest problem with the occupy people is the fact that they didn't really know what they wanted when they got the chance to speak, nor did they offer any substantive solutions. This is one of the many reasons why a majority of people who make legislative decisions didn't take them seriously.

    As for the piracy of music, I think music is pretty much public domain once it becomes listenable.

    And, lastly, as for Ron Paul. Say what you want about him, but he's a libertarian and a state's rights guy, which is better than any conservative will ever be - namely in the most immediate case: Newt, Santorum, Huntsman, and Romney. I agree he's a bit delusional when it comes to the whole isolationist policy, but he's still the best out of the people in the primaries. His son is fucking crazy, though. I'd agree to say Rand Paul is someone we should avoid.

  3. I agree with you that Ron Paul is the best candidate out there, but I want to clarify my comment about Ron Paul being the new Voldemort. I meant to point out that he is never named on main stream media.

    I am a fellow libertarian and feel as though he is getting the short end of the stick. Ron Paul is the only candidate who is attacking the entire system. Not just the last four years of Obama, or the other eight with Bush. He sees that America has lost sight of the principles it was founded on, namely the Constitution.
    If you have been following the republican primaries, not only have his number risen since 2008, but in South Carolina he won the 18-29 year old vote and has been doing so in other states (Newt won the rest of the age groups in SC).

    He also has the third highest total delegates, and has already stated he is in it for the long run. The only thing hurting Ron Paul is that people feel he is not electable and can't beat Obama in the general election.

    But as for his son, I heard him speak and I have to say I was impressed, although it was only once and I must admit I haven't heard much about him other than that time. I wouldn't be surprised if we see him running for president in 2020 or even as soon as 2016 haha

