I can never tell if I write to take time off from designing or if I design to take time off from writing - tonight it was a little bit of both.
Designing is a very fiddly art - you invest a lot of effort into very slight changes that your audience may never even see, but I suppose the same is true of writing.
Both art forms are more compulsory than voluntary for me - if I couldn't write or design I'd be miserable. I must write. I must lay out pages and make logos. Nobody makes me do either of these things - there's just a little voice in my heat that sometimes shouts out "YOU SHOULD DO SOMETHING WITH THIS!"
That little voice told me to design today, and so in lieu of a normal, ranting blog from me I'll present you with my other compulsion: Wormwood Chapbooks has a live blog, a logo, and a design theme as of four minutes ago, all because of that persistent little voice.
Please stop by, and check up on it now and then - we're all delighted to be sharing even more literature with our readers, and I very strongly hope that Wormwood Chapbooks will soon become a very strong division of our upstart publishing company.
You can find it here: Wormwood Chapbooks. Enjoy.
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