My Fellow Contributors,
I was relaxing, exhausted after playing in my high school's annual alumni Baseball game, when Odysseus: Voyage to The Underworld, came on the Sci-Fi Channel. In the info box was written:
"Odysseus and his warriors encounter Persephone and her deadly shadow beasts"
Now, granted it has been a year since I've taken ENG 340 Myth as Literature, but when I was going through my mental rolodex of classical myths, this combination of characters didn't fire off any synapses. I this must have been that part of The Odyssey that scholars tend to forget when discussing this epic. So with the hope of learning literature thru television, (a very slippery slope) I watched on.
But by the middle of the movie I began to realize that this wasn't a story either Ovid, or Homer had written, and the most interesting thing was that it didn't seem to matter.
What mattered was that Persephone, Odysseus and Homer were all on my Television screen going through an adventure; fighting and planning and just trying to get home.
Even as the original myths were ignored, bent or even changed, I found myself captured by it just as Odysseus was captured by the Siren's scream. This made-for-TV-movie, although at times rough, was enjoyable.
Not a bad couple hours spent recovering from a day of baseball.
But why bring this up Bermuda?
Because we must remind ourselves that there are plenty of myths still to be written. And we here at A Few Lines magazine, want to read, hear, and publish yours.
As Always
Undoubtedly Yours,
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