Sunday, December 25, 2011

Holy Shit Guys! Merry Whatever!

Okay dudes, it's like this - we've got a store now, it pretty much rules (I think) and we won't be offering the full magazines as free PDF downloads anymore. What we WILL offer for free are samples of each issue in order to tempt you into buying a PDF or print copy - either would be awesome - and we've decided that the first issue will be free forever, 'cause we understand that newbies will want to know what they're getting into.

So to see a copy of the sample Vol.1 Iss. 2 (Emily Dickinson - out for print in January) click *here* and to see the sample of Vol.1 Iss. 3 (Ginsberg - released for sale on the store now) click *here*.

To go to our store and buy a PDF download of either issue or a print pre-order of Vol.1 Iss. 2, you'll want to go to the SUPER AWESOME NEW STORE.

SPECIAL NOTE: If you order your PDF of Issue 3 before midnight on Christmas, because you're one of those glorious bastards who checks Literary Magazine websites on Chrismas, you'll be able to purchase the PDF for the low, low price of ONE FUCKING DOLLAR. Because we love you like that.

PDFs purchased through the store will be sent to customers within 48 hours of purchase, shiny and new just for you.

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